Almost Ready!

I am excited to announce that I am nearly ready to release a sneak peek update where you will be able to try out some of the new areas but not the whole one! And how it will work is that in Leon's Home there will be an event that you can interact with that will teleport you to the current sneak peek area. The first half of this will be the mountain or well I guess caves now that I think about it , and a part of the village. And then in about 1-2 weeks I will remove the mountains area and activate the lake area and then lock the other half of the village and unlock the one that was previously locked. So be sure to make a sperate save file when trying out these and expect glitched along the way. If you find one just report it! 

Sorry if you were expecting the full areas to be unlocked during these sneak peeks, but I did try to make it known that they would have restrictions. Anyways you can feel free to wait for the full release later in the year or potentially early next year after I finish. I am still unsure when I will be done as I do have a job and cannot be on my laptop all day.

(Oh funny thing I am currently fixing a lot of images for the enemies specifically as I didn't realize this but for some odd reason they saved as JPEG's instead of PNG's but don't worry I will put a bit more of my free time into fixing this little odd accident as to not delay my plans to release the sneak peek areas!)

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