New Progress Check

Hi everyone and welcome to my magnificent progress check! So what I have worked on was adding a character that I forgot to draw for the lake and I also fixed a few dialogue mistakes I left from the original planned story such as Leon's profile text and the forest's secret bosses shard drop text which were all pretty minor thankfully. On top of that I also changed Leon's sprite a bit to make him look better as I felt the current one looked horrible.


This is how it looks now, although as I am not very good at pixel art I used the clothing that matched Leon's current sprite the most. And on top of that I fixed a few issues I found myself when going back and testing the mountain area as I found out a few boss fights had broken for some odd reason. So now the mountains final boss will work for release as intended and so will the secret super boss in the desert will too! Of course I added much more than I am saying right now but I am going to leave it up to you all to find it when the next sneak peek releases!

Get Lusty Tales - Monster Guys Awaken DEMO


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looks good to me ☆

Sorry if you couldn't see the new sprite I hopefully fixed it as for some reason the first image didn't upload correctly lol!