Progress Check

I am not going to lie and make a really long paragraph and over exaggerate some stuff but I don't really have too much to say about this progress check and a good chunk of it was making the new scenes and adding the interactions for each monster guy in Leon's Home.

But anyways I am excited to release a few sneak peeks of the new update to you all! (Not the whole one just little pieces of it) There will be two halves to these sneak peek updates. For the first half it will be the new village and part of the mountain area. The second half will still be the village but part of the lake area. Be sure to make an extra save file as these areas will only be available for a limited time and can break your main save file if you update the game and participate in these new areas! Of course as always be sure to tell me of any glitches or feedback you may have on these sneak peeks of the new areas! I am always happy to read them even if it is negative!

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I think you can add some buttons to observe goodwill

(1 edit) (+1)

what do you mean by goodwill? Like the relationships on each monster? If so I can start looking in to doing that. Although feel free to correct me if I am wrong!